From Tom Barber 
Currently living in Bethesda, MD
Software development manager for the successfully completed ADSB system for the FAA, which tracks aircraft using GPS.
Married to Francine McNulty for 34 years. We have two kids Ian and Lydia.
Soccer coach, boy scout leader and math tutor.
Ian, 30, graduated from Clemson Go Tigers in Biology and does software sales for education software companies Everfi and Class. Ian is engaged to be married to Alex Santoli from Charlotte in April 2022. Lydia, 26, in fourth year of Doctor of Audiology program at Towson University, working as a extern at Childrens Hospital in DC. Lydia married to James Biddle from Annapolis in January 2020, just in time.
My Story
Francine and I have been retired for 3 years and are having a great time on our staycation in Bethesda. I'm doing math, physics and chemistry tutoring for middle and high school students, which is a good way to stay engaged. Finally learning guitar and singing which I resisted for 50 years.