From Myrna Hallford Welter 
Currently living in Fairfax, VA
Studied in Spain and Austria
Took care of my Mom until her death from dementia in 2011. She was with us for 19 yrs.
Worked as an interpreter after not using Spanish for many years.
We have one daughter who lives in Cincinnati. She is the audiovisual tech for a church as well as an administrator and teacher for a school enrichment program. She enjoys the variety. No grandchildren so far, but we have 4 grand nephews. The one good thing about covid was that our daughter and her cat came to live with us because her jobs were suspended. She was here about a year. It was wonderful except for covid, of course.
My Story
I married David, a Naval officer and nuclear engineer, in 1980. We were transferred to West Point where David taught engineering to the Army cadets for 3 years. Fun times. We settled in Fairfax in 1986 when our daughter was born. We have lived here since. I have worked as a secretary, cake decorator, vet assistant, office manager and interpreter through the years, but I spent a lot of time, with my family, caring for my Mom.