From Laura Burns 
Currently living in Hingham, Massachusetts
3-time recording artist, Flying Fish Records (no longer extant)
Elected twice to the Hingham Board of Selectmen (like mayor, only there are three of us)
Recently arrested at a gas pipeline construction site protesting new fossil-fuel infrastructure
Julia Burns, 31, software development engineer at Apple in London Chip Miller, 27, currently located in our living room, seeking job in theatre - there are none of those right now.
My Story
After college, spent about fifteen years as a musician, first with duo Laura Burns and Roger Rosen, then with Latin American folk and dance band Flor de Cana. Got off the road to have kids and got into state and local politics. Elected two terms to town Select Board. Currently serve as campaign manager for our state representative, and was elected light commissioner this spring. Our town owns our own electric utility, and the board of commissioners is going to have to figure out how to electrify everything in town in order to save the planet. Getting to work on that right now...