From Elisa Carbone

Currently living in Silver Spring, MD



Ha - grand children, by nature, are the most amazing thing in the world, right? Ours are 9 and 12 (boy) and 10 (girl) and though they live far away, we get to spend many weeks with them every year. They're hilarious, athletic, artistic and very sweet. Our grown children are happy, healthy, employed, make more money than I do, and they like us and enjoy spending time with us. What more can you ask for?

My Story

What? More bragging opportunities? Ok fine. There were the dancing years - performed at festivals as a member of Footloose Cloggers, learned to Lindy Hop, placed in a few jitterbug contests. There were several years of teaching in the Speech Department at the University of Maryland, before the novels took over paying the bills. Got a couple of Masters degrees. Please don't ask me to put all this in order. Was married to Jeff Nugent Yorktown class of 70 for I think 11 years m 1973 and had Daniel and Rachel aka, the "grown children". Have been with Jim ever since those 11 years. Alright, this is kinda random but one of my passions is doing away with deer. Yep - Bambicide. I don't actually do the shooting myself, but I work with Maryland DNR, the state legislature, and Montgomery County Park and Planning Commission to make sure hunting laws enable and encourage suburban and urban deer culling, and I also help coordinate bow hunting in suburban neighborhoods. Backyard Bambicide. If you google "deer overpopulation" you'll get an idea why. Ok, so what else? How do you even know when you're at the word limit? Or when people are too bored to keep reading? I'll stop now, and then probably realize I forgot something that would have been super interesting. Like getting to live in Italy and go to school in Perugia and also live with my family over there and help with the grape harvest and actually get paid to stomp grapes with my feet. Or spending a day with Oprah to help her get into character just before she made the movie Beloved, working with a group of actors and historians to create a super realistic reenactment of slavery and escape on the Underground Railroad. Or that one of the most frequently asked questions about me on the internet is "When did Elisa Carbone die" - it's those kids doing book reports . . . Alright, enough. We're just gonna have to talk at the reunion.